Bahasa Inggrisnya Saya Kecanduan

Bahasa Inggrisnya Saya Kecanduan

bahasa Inggris saya kecanduan plis ​

Daftar Isi

1. bahasa Inggris saya kecanduan plis ​


aslinya tergantung kata katanya sihh tapi semoga membantu

2. buat lah pidato dalam bahasa inggris dengan tema kecanduan internet.​


Good Morning Everyone

Good Morning EveryoneFirstly, Let us pray and give thanks to Allah SWT, which has given grace, blessing, guidance and His inayah to us, so that we can gather in this room, without hindrance of any. Our Sholawat and greeting always deliver on our Uswah, the Great Prophet Muhammad, which has brought us from the dark ages to the age-lit.

Good Morning EveryoneFirstly, Let us pray and give thanks to Allah SWT, which has given grace, blessing, guidance and His inayah to us, so that we can gather in this room, without hindrance of any. Our Sholawat and greeting always deliver on our Uswah, the Great Prophet Muhammad, which has brought us from the dark ages to the age-lit.On this occasion, I will deliver a speech on the theme “The Impact of Internet Usage On Teen Life”, with the aim to determine the impact of positive and negative impacts of the use of the internet, especially on the lives of adolescents.

Good Morning EveryoneFirstly, Let us pray and give thanks to Allah SWT, which has given grace, blessing, guidance and His inayah to us, so that we can gather in this room, without hindrance of any. Our Sholawat and greeting always deliver on our Uswah, the Great Prophet Muhammad, which has brought us from the dark ages to the age-lit.On this occasion, I will deliver a speech on the theme “The Impact of Internet Usage On Teen Life”, with the aim to determine the impact of positive and negative impacts of the use of the internet, especially on the lives of adolescents.Mr. testers who I respect and friends that I love, the Internet is not foreign to our lives, especially the lives of adolescents. In our lives, the Internet serves as a source of information. The existence of the internet in a teenager’s life can serve as a medium of learning which is very helpful for teens to learn to achieve satisfactory academic achievement. Not only students and young people, parents and the general public can also enjoy the benefits of the Internet, such as entertainment media, media with fast data exchange, means of communication, expand horizons, and much more. Unfortunately, the Internet is not always a good impact for us. The impact was not good was actually already joined in our lives.

Good Morning EveryoneFirstly, Let us pray and give thanks to Allah SWT, which has given grace, blessing, guidance and His inayah to us, so that we can gather in this room, without hindrance of any. Our Sholawat and greeting always deliver on our Uswah, the Great Prophet Muhammad, which has brought us from the dark ages to the age-lit.On this occasion, I will deliver a speech on the theme “The Impact of Internet Usage On Teen Life”, with the aim to determine the impact of positive and negative impacts of the use of the internet, especially on the lives of adolescents.Mr. testers who I respect and friends that I love, the Internet is not foreign to our lives, especially the lives of adolescents. In our lives, the Internet serves as a source of information. The existence of the internet in a teenager’s life can serve as a medium of learning which is very helpful for teens to learn to achieve satisfactory academic achievement. Not only students and young people, parents and the general public can also enjoy the benefits of the Internet, such as entertainment media, media with fast data exchange, means of communication, expand horizons, and much more. Unfortunately, the Internet is not always a good impact for us. The impact was not good was actually already joined in our lives.The negative impact, for example,violence, addiction to online games, and social networking addiction, which is very influential in the lives of adolescents, especially students.. In addition, online gaming addiction and social networks such as Facebook, Friendster, and Twitter often make teenagers and students will forget time, forget the health, neglect lessons, hinga be wasteful, wasting both time atupun money. Actually, the positive and negative impacts of the Internet in the hands of its users. If we use the internet as well as possible, God willing, we will get a good benefit. But on the contrary, if we do not use the Internet properly, we are likely to fall into negative impacts. Insight into the characteristics of young people in accessing the internet needs to be known by parents and teachers in an effort to control the use of the internet. Community tasks, such as managing internet cafes are directing public about healthy online. While teenagers and students are expected to learn to be responsible for his own behavior, including when using the internet.Thank You.


Mohon maaf mohon izin bila ada yang salah dari jawaban di atas dan semoga membantu (◠‿◕)


ohh your internet makes Andi be like a zombie you manipulate his brain so he doesn't know when to bathe and when to learn ohh your internet is so bad


ini pidato kan

3. buatlah pidato dalam bahasa inggris dengan tema Internet Addiction(Kecanduan Internet)mohon dibantu ya​


Good Morning Everyone

Good Morning EveryoneFirstly, Let us pray and give thanks to Allah SWT, which has given grace, blessing, guidance and His inayah to us, so that we can gather in this room, without hindrance of any. Our Sholawat and greeting always deliver on our Uswah, the Great Prophet Muhammad, which has brought us from the dark ages to the age-lit.

Good Morning EveryoneFirstly, Let us pray and give thanks to Allah SWT, which has given grace, blessing, guidance and His inayah to us, so that we can gather in this room, without hindrance of any. Our Sholawat and greeting always deliver on our Uswah, the Great Prophet Muhammad, which has brought us from the dark ages to the age-lit.On this occasion, I will deliver a speech on the theme “The Impact of Internet Usage On Teen Life”, with the aim to determine the impact of positive and negative impacts of the use of the internet, especially on the lives of adolescents.

Good Morning EveryoneFirstly, Let us pray and give thanks to Allah SWT, which has given grace, blessing, guidance and His inayah to us, so that we can gather in this room, without hindrance of any. Our Sholawat and greeting always deliver on our Uswah, the Great Prophet Muhammad, which has brought us from the dark ages to the age-lit.On this occasion, I will deliver a speech on the theme “The Impact of Internet Usage On Teen Life”, with the aim to determine the impact of positive and negative impacts of the use of the internet, especially on the lives of adolescents.Mr. testers who I respect and friends that I love, the Internet is not foreign to our lives, especially the lives of adolescents. In our lives, the Internet serves as a source of information. The existence of the internet in a teenager’s life can serve as a medium of learning which is very helpful for teens to learn to achieve satisfactory academic achievement. Not only students and young people, parents and the general public can also enjoy the benefits of the Internet, such as entertainment media, media with fast data exchange, means of communication, expand horizons, and much more. Unfortunately, the Internet is not always a good impact for us. The impact was not good was actually already joined in our lives.

Good Morning EveryoneFirstly, Let us pray and give thanks to Allah SWT, which has given grace, blessing, guidance and His inayah to us, so that we can gather in this room, without hindrance of any. Our Sholawat and greeting always deliver on our Uswah, the Great Prophet Muhammad, which has brought us from the dark ages to the age-lit.On this occasion, I will deliver a speech on the theme “The Impact of Internet Usage On Teen Life”, with the aim to determine the impact of positive and negative impacts of the use of the internet, especially on the lives of adolescents.Mr. testers who I respect and friends that I love, the Internet is not foreign to our lives, especially the lives of adolescents. In our lives, the Internet serves as a source of information. The existence of the internet in a teenager’s life can serve as a medium of learning which is very helpful for teens to learn to achieve satisfactory academic achievement. Not only students and young people, parents and the general public can also enjoy the benefits of the Internet, such as entertainment media, media with fast data exchange, means of communication, expand horizons, and much more. Unfortunately, the Internet is not always a good impact for us. The impact was not good was actually already joined in our lives.The negative impact, for example,violence, addiction to online games, and social networking addiction, which is very influential in the lives of adolescents, especially students.. In addition, online gaming addiction and social networks such as Facebook, Friendster, and Twitter often make teenagers and students will forget time, forget the health, neglect lessons, hinga be wasteful, wasting both time atupun money. Actually, the positive and negative impacts of the Internet in the hands of its users. If we use the internet as well as possible, God willing, we will get a good benefit. But on the contrary, if we do not use the Internet properly, we are likely to fall into negative impacts. Insight into the characteristics of young people in accessing the internet needs to be known by parents and teachers in an effort to control the use of the internet. Community tasks, such as managing internet cafes are directing public about healthy online. While teenagers and students are expected to learn to be responsible for his own behavior, including when using the internet.Thank You.

4. Suara kmu bkin candu bahasa sunda nya apa?


arti dari suara kamu bkin candu dalam bahasa Sunda arti nya adalah:sora anjeun pikaseurieun


sora anjeun pikaseurieun dlm bahasa Indonesia adalah :suara kamu bikin candu

dan dlm bahasa Sunda suara km bikin candu adalah :sora anjeun pikaseurieun

5. apa bhs inggris dari pecandu kecepatan

pencandu kecepatan berbentuk kata benda, shg speed addiction. jawaban sebelumnya menggunakan kt kerja yg membutuhkan subject. contoh: he addicts speed.Speed addict setauku sih itu

6. Ciri bahasa dalam teks eksposisi yang judul nya kecanduan kopi, sehatkah

Bahasa jelas tidak karena kecanduan kopi akan tidak bisa tidur atau disebut insomnia maaf kalo salah

7. tolong artikan ke bahasa inggris "saya percaya semakin banya faktor resiko yang dimikiki seseorang, maka semakin besar kemungkinan mengonsumsi narkoba daoat menyebabkan kecanduan"


I believe the more risk factors a person has, the more likely it is to take narcotics can cause addiction


8. tuliskan latar belakang utama inggris memasukan candu india ke tiongkok 1733​


Latar Belakangnya adalah ada saat itu Negara Eropa membutuhkan persagangan Bebas dengan Bangsa China Yang pelopor Utamanya Yaitu Inggris, Karena pada saat Itu Eropa telah terjadi Revolusi Industri dan Inggris perlu Mencari Daerah yang tepat untuk Industri, Hal yang Menjadi Sasaran Inggris pun Bangsa China

Jadikan Jawaban Terbaik ya Gan!

9. buatlah pidato dalam bahasa inggris dengan tema INTERNET ADDICTION (kecanduan internet).Mohon jawab yg benar karena point nya besar,jangan pake jawabn yg di salin.​


ini Bagus banget artinya "bisa dipakai" saran aja Karna itu pling bagus menurut saya pribadi dan singkat semoga membantu....✨

10. Perjanjian yang dibuat setelah kekalahan Cina dalam Perang Candu melawan Inggris adalah perjanjian…​

Jawaban:adalah persetujuan yang menandai berakhirnya Perang Candu Pertama (1839–1842) antara Inggris dan Tiongkok. Perjanjian ini ditandatangani pada tanggal 29 Agustus 1842 di atas kapal perang Inggris HMS Cornwallis di  (sebelumnya dikenal dengan nama "Nanking").



perjanjian naking maaf kalo salah

11. Ciri bahasa kecanduan kopi, sehatkah

tidak, karena bila maminum kopi tidur kita tertunda, jika kecanduan semakin lama tidur kita tertunda maka semakin rendah daya imun kita nantinya.

12. pidato bahasa sunda kecanduan game online

opo ore ene itu ya jawabannya

13. Tuliskan latar belakang utama inggris memasukkan candu india ke tiongkok pada 1773

mohon maaf jika salah

14. tolong artikan ke bahasa inggris "saya percaya semakin banya faktor risiko yang dimikiki seseorang, maka semakin besar kemungkinan mengonsumsi narkoba dapat menyebabkan kecanduan"


I believe the greater the risk factor a person causes, the greater the likelihood of taking drugs could lead to addiction

Bahasa Inggrisnya

I believe the more risk factors a person has, the more likely it is that taking drugs will cause addiction

15. Bagi yang jago bahasa inggris tolong bantu saya dong. Manakah yang benar "METALLURGICAL ADDICT atau METALLURGY ADDICT ? saya bermaksud membuat ungkapan seorang yang kecanduan terhadap bidang ilmu metallurgi ini. Adakah yg bisa bantu ? Terima kasih

Subject : English
Category : Structure and Written Expression

Answer :

karena heroin addict, drug addict, game addict
semuanya noun + addict
it means addicted to something

kalau metallurgical addict = the addict is metallurgical

16. (Malas merupakan dampak negative bermain game yg kedua yg juga sebagai akibat dari kecanduan jika seorang sudah malas, maka seakan akan semua akan di lupakan dan langsung tidur setelah lelah bermain game) bikin lah kalimat di atas dengan bahasa inggris??​

jawaban :

Lazy is a negative impact of playing game which is also result of addiction if someone is already lazy, then as if everything will be forgotten and go to sleep immediately after being tired

17. buatlah pidato dalam bahasa inggris dengan dema Internet addiction(Kecanduan internet)Mohon di bantu bsok saya mau tampil di depan kelas.​


Good Morning Everyone

Firstly, Let us pray and give thanks to Allah SWT, which has given grace, blessing, guidance and His inayah to us, so that we can gather in this room, without hindrance of any. Our Sholawat and greeting always deliver on our Uswah, the Great Prophet Muhammad, which has brought us from the dark ages to the age-lit.On this occasion, I will deliver a speech on the theme “The Impact of Internet Usage On Teen Life”, with the aim to determine the impact of positive and negative impacts of the use of the internet, especially on the lives of adolescents.Mr. testers who I respect and friends that I love, the Internet is not foreign to our lives, especially the lives of adolescents. In our lives, the Internet serves as a source of information. The existence of the internet in a teenager’s life can serve as a medium of learning which is very helpful for teens to learn to achieve satisfactory academic achievement.

Not only students and young people, parents and the general public can also enjoy the benefits of the Internet, such as entertainment media, media with fast data exchange, means of communication, expand horizons, and much more. Unfortunately, the Internet is not always a good impact for us. The impact was not good was actually already joined in our lives.The negative impact, for example,violence, addiction to online games, and social networking addiction, which is very influential in the lives of adolescents, especially students.. In addition, online gaming addiction and social networks such as Facebook, Friendster, and Twitter often make teenagers and students will forget time, forget the health, neglect lessons, hinga be wasteful, wasting both time atupun money. Actually, the positive and negative impacts of the Internet in the hands of its users. If we use the internet as well as possible, God willing, we will get a good benefit. But on the contrary, if we do not use the Internet properly, we are likely to fall into negative impacts. Insight into the characteristics of young people in accessing the internet needs to be known by parents and teachers in an effort to control the use of the internet.

Community tasks, such as managing internet cafes are directing public about healthy online. While teenagers and students are expected to learn to be responsible for his own behavior, including when using the internet.Thank You.

18. tuliskan latar belakang utama inggris memasukan candu india ke tiongkok 1733


Untuk mendapatkan teh dari tiongkok


Karena pada saat itu tiongkok hanya ingin teh ditukar dengan perak namun inggris mulai kekurangan perak dan semua orang di inggris telah bergantung kepada teh. Sehingga mereka memiliki ide untuk menyulundupkan opium secara ilegal yang akan ditukar dengan perak untuk membeli teh tersebut

19. penyebab perang candu antara cina dan Inggris​


perang ini terjadi,karena masalah perbedaan pendapat antara Dinasti Qing & Inggris mengenai perdagangan candu di daratan Cina



Perang Candu, Penyebab Dikuasainya Hong Kong oleh Inggris. ... Dan karena candu pulalah, Cina di era monarki sempat terlibat Perang Candu dengan negara-negara Eropa. Perang Candu (Opium War) adalah sebutan untuk konflik militer yang terjadi di wilayah timur Cina (saat itu dikuasai oleh Dinasti Qing) pada abad ke-19p

20. Begitu juga dgn pengedar narkoba harus dihukum tegas karena bila terus dibiarkan akan semakin bertambah jumlah pecandu narkoba di indonesia Di translate bahasa inggris yaa

as well as drug dealers should be punished firmly because if left unchecked will increasingly drug addicts in indonesia

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