How Many Photoshop Tools Are Introduced In The Text Above

How Many Photoshop Tools Are Introduced In The Text Above

How many photoshop tools are introduced in the text above

1. How many photoshop tools are introduced in the text above


1. How many Photoshop Tools are introduced in the text above ? 2. What is the most important element in Photoshop ? 3. W...

2. How many characters are there in the text above?

little mouse, donkey,the dog,the cat

3. How many tools are mentioned in this text ?


Zonk, there is no answer


textnya ndak ada

4. arti how many step are trhere in the text above​

berapa banyak langkah yang ada dalam teks di atas

maaf klo salah:)

5. how many public building are there in the text above?.... mention what are they.. ​


where is the picture? can you take a photo about what you mean?

6. apa jawaban dari how many steps are shown in text above​

the answer is five step in text above




karena pertanyaannya ada berapa langkah-langkah/tahap dalam teks tersebut

7. How many steps in the text above?​


text nya mana?


tidak bisa menjawab karena tidak ada teksnya

8. Baha indonesia how many steps are mentioned in the above text

ada berapa banyak langkah yang disebutkan pada teks di atas

9. How many paragraphs are there in the text above? Answer:..

fourrrrr (empattt) (4)

10. how many people are there in the text above artinya

berapa banyak orang yg ada di bacaan diatas? Berapa banyak orang dalam teks ini

11. How many tools are mentioned in this text ? (WACANA 1)


there is no answer,


wacananya kok ndak ada?

12. Apa jawabannya soal ini How many persons are there in the family on the text above?


Jawaban tergantung dari teksnya


Berapa banyak orang yang ada dalam keluarga pada teks di atas?

13. arti how many step are trhere in the text above​


Ada berapa langkah pada teks diatas


berapa banyak langkah yang ada dalam teks di atas


Maaf kalo salah

14. 3).how many ways of cooking are there in the text above?

the text is mean about what many experience cooking your have

15. How many persons are there in the family based on the text above?

soalnya kurang lengkap. nggak ada teks nya

16. apa arti how many ingreduents mentioned in the text above

Artinya ialah: Berapa banyak komposisi bahan bahan yang disebutkan di teks diatas?
berapa banyak bahan yang disebutkan dalam teks di atas

17. apa jawaban dari how many steps are shown in text above.......​


five steps


semoga membantu :3

jawaban: there are 5 steps shown (ada 5 langkah yang ditunjukkan)

18. thefind the thesis of the text aboveHow many argument that you intext above? What are theyFind the Kaita ration, concesion of thetext above​


yes with me always


semoga beruntung

19. How many people are in the dialogue above​



2 people (?) gaada dialognya sayangg..

20. Baha indonesia how many steps are mentioned in the above text

Berapa banyak langkah yang disebutkan dalam teks di atas?

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