You Shouldn t Go Out it s Raining Heavily

You Shouldn t Go Out it s Raining Heavily

you shouldn't go's raining heavily​

Daftar Isi

1. you shouldn't go's raining heavily​




Kamu tidak boleh pergi ke luar KARENA diluar hujan deras

Glad to help!

2. 2. You shouldn't go out. It's raining heavily​


maksudnya apa y kak


apa yang harus dibuat? di translate? nanti saya jawab di komentar

2 you shouldn't go out. It's raining heavily


Kalimat tersebut dapat diterjemahkan menjadi "Kamu tidak boleh keluar ____ hujan turun dengan deras."

Untuk dapat menemukan jawaban yang tepat, berikut ini adalah terjemahan singkat kata sambung pada pilihan jawaban:

For = untuk

Already = sudah

Because = karena

But = tetapi

Kalimat soal di atas menunjukan hubungan sebab "it’s raining heavily" dan akibat "you shouldn’t go out." Berdasarkan konteks kalimat tersebut, kata yang paling tepat mengisi bagian rumpang tersebut adalah "because".

3. you shouldn't go out because it's raining heavily cause effect​

Cause : Raining

Effect : Being wet and cold

4. it is raining.....(heavily)now than it did last night

More heavily. Maaf kalau salah
Be heavily

Maaf kalau salah

5. urutkan kata2 ini jadi kalimat yg benar! 1. heavily-it-raining-when-power-the-out-was-went sdh, itu saja ya :)

It was raining heavily when the power went out Semoga membantu

6. Heavily it raining when power the out was went

jumbled words?

the power went out when it was raining heavily.

7. You shouldn t have to go through this alone.


You shouldn t have to go through this alone.


Anda tidak harus melalui ini sendirian.



You shouldn t have to go through this alone = Kamu tidak harus melalui ini sendirian

maaf kalo salah :v

8. He would go out if it were not raining, it means..... A. It was not training, so he could go out B. It is raining, so he can't go out C. He can go out although it is raining D. He can go out because it is not raining E. It is not raining therefore he can go out

Jawaban :
He would go out if it were not raining, it means ...
==> B. It is raining, so he can't go out
Karena kata "he" sebenarnya ingin pergi, jika saja tidak hujan. Artinya keadaan sedang hujan jadi diabtidak bisa pergi

Semoga membantu^^B. It's raining, so he can't go out.
(Karena hanya itu yang masuk akal.)

9. 1. Susan decide not to go the city center because it was raining heavily?Tolong jawab ya​


Cause and Effect

It was raining, so I decided not to go camping


Pengertian Cause and Effect

Cause adalah:

The reason or motive, for an action

Why something happen

Happen first

Effect adalah:

Result or conclusion of an action

What happened

Happens due to a cause

Jadi cause and effect biasa juga disebut dengan kalimat sebab-akibat atau kalimat kausalitas adalah kalimat yang dibangun dengan melibatkan tindakan yang membuat sesuatu terjadi dan hasil dari tindakan tersebut. Paling gampang ditandai dengan kata hubung yang menandakan sebab akibat.

Signal words of cause

Ketika kita bicara tentang cause maka kata- kata yang dapat kita gunakan adalah sebagai berikut:


the reason for

On account of

Bring about

Give rise to

Created by

Contributed to

Led to

Due to

For this reason


Signal words of Effect

Ketika kita bicara tentang effect maka kata- kata yang dapat kita gunakan adalah sebagai berikut:

As a result



For this reason






In order to

The sentence structure of cause and effect

Due to/Because of/owing to/Thanks to + noun

Because/Since/As/For/As a result of + subject + verb


Owing to her hard work and intelligence, we won the trophy.

Thanks to Ammar and Ameera’s effective planning, the event went well

Because of his hard work, he managed to get the best student award

I have a stomach ache because I ate too much food

There was a lot of homework and test, as a result most of the students were unhappy and couldn’t go anywhere during the weekend.

I don’t go to school because I am sick

I am sleepy, so I don’t go to school

He can not drive as he does not have license

Since he was sick, the teacher allowed her to stay at home

Now Ammar lives far from his family that he can be an independent boy

Now Amira is sick that she can't go to school.

Now Iqbal has a new car that he can give a lift for his friends

Since Ammar has much money so he can buy a new car for his parents

Since Ammira becomes a very famous singer so she is very busy every day

Since Iqbal has been promoted as a manager so he always does his best in everything

Ammar is such a very smart student that he can pass the test to enter in UI.

Ammira has such a very beautiful voice that she becomes a very famous singer

Iqbal is such a good man that I choose him as my husband.

The glaciers began to melt; therefore, the land bridge between Asia and North America became flooded.

because they wanted to learn about different civilizations that existed, archaeologists studied artifacts

my sister was very tired because she stayed up past midnight

she can't go on vacation because she doesn't have enough money

I don't have Katya's phone number so I can't call her


materi tentang cause and effect :



Kelas : 11

Mata Pelajaran: bahasa Inggris

Bab : 4

Kode:11 .5.4

Kata Kunci : cause and effect

10. you should't go out it's___ raining heavilya. and b. the reportc. becaused. bute. eventhogh​


Maaf Kalo Salah

Jawaban:C. Because

Penjelasan: kayaknya ada salah ketik kamu

11. Heavily-it-raining-when-powee-the-out-was-went Order the jumbled words to form good sentences

When it was raining the powee went out heavily

when it was heavily raining the power went out

12. It ia raining we shouldn't go out


It's actually raining in my place so yeah, we shouldn't go out.

Btw pertanyaannya apa :v

13. heavily - it - raining - when - power - the - out - was - went tolong dirangkai


it was heavily raining when the power went out

maaf kalo salah

When the power went out it was heavily raining

Maaf kalo salah(semoga nggak salah ya)

14. Urutkan kata acak berikut ini >heavily - it - raining - when - power - the - out - was - went

It was raining heavily when the power went out

Kelas : SMP
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : grammar
Kata kunci : words, scrambled
it was raining heavily when the power went out

15. 9. You want to go out but not in the rain. What do you say?a. I wish it would stop rainingb. I wish it were rainingc. I wish it will stop rainingd. I wish it has raininge. I wish it stops raining​


I wish it will stop raining

maaf kalo salah:(


a. i wish it would stop raining


16. it is raining now, if you want to go out , you must ....​


bring umbrella or raincoat

17. susun kata Heavily-it-raining-when-power-the-out-was-went

It was raining heavily when the power went out.When the power went out it was raining heavily

18. all I will go out, but it is raining hardhe........ ........​

he should bring an umbrella

if its raining it's common sense to bring an umbrella

umbrella = payung

"but its raining hard"

artinya "tapi ini hujanya deras sekali"

jadi harus pakai/bawa?



mapel= bhs.inggris




19. It will be raining .You................ go out. a. must b. have toc. hasn'td. mustn't​

Jawaban:D. MUSTN 'T


20. Susunan bahasa inggris dr kt heavily-it-raining-when-power-the-out-was-went

when it was raining heavily, the power went out.when it was raining heavily the power went out

maaf kalau salah

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