What Is The Text About

What Is The Text About

1.What is kind of the text about? 2. What does the text tell about? 3. Mention the generic structure of the text about!4.What is the second paragraph about? 5. What is the goal of the text​

1. 1.What is kind of the text about? 2. What does the text tell about? 3. Mention the generic structure of the text about!4.What is the second paragraph about? 5. What is the goal of the text​

1) Analytical exposition text.

2) The text tells about the importance of learning English in the early childhood [golden age].

3) Thesis-Arguments-Reiteration

4) The second paragraf tells about the best time for kids to start learning English.

5) To convince the readers that English is very important taught in the golden age.


Analytical exposition text adalah genre teks yang menjabarkan pandangan penulis terhadap suatu kasus tertentu yang dianggap penting untuk didiskusikan.

Tujuan komunikatif dari analytical exposition text adalah untuk meyakinkan para pembaca bahwa ada hal penting dalam suatu kasus.

[To convince the readers that there is an important thing in the case]


1. Thesis

Bagian ini  dijabarkan sebagai awal pembukaan paragraf, menjabarkan rumusan pengenalan masalah yang didiskusikan berdasarkan cara pandang si penulis.

2. Arguments

Paragraf selanjutnya menjabarkan opini-opini si penulis  dengan berlandaskan informasi akurat berdasarkan bukti fakta guna mendukung argumentasinya.

3. Reiteration

Bagian akhir paragraf berisi kesimpulan / pengulasan kembali  tujuan dari pemikiran si penulis yang telah dipaparkan pada bagian thesis.


1) Apa jenis teks tersebut ?

Jawabannya : Analytical exposition text.

Jenis teks tersebut bisa ditengarai dari konten disampaikan yang berupa argumen pentingnya belajar bahasa Inggris di usia dini.

2) Teksnya tentang apa?

Jawabannya : The text tells about the importance of learning English in the early childhood [golden age]

Dapat dicermati di paragraf pertama dan kedua. Di situ disebutkan ada 7 keuntungan terkait pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di usia dini.

3) Sebutkan strukturnya dari teks tersebut.

Jawabannya : Thesis-Arguments-Reiteration

Thesis [Paragraf pertama] "English is the most used language in the world......."

Argument 1 [Paragraf kedua] "what is the best time to start learning English.....

Argument 2 [Paragraf ketiga] "the benefits of English in the early childhood.....

Reiteration [Paragraf terakhir] "The key to learn English for kids is make it fun......

4) Paragraf kedua tentang apa?

Jawabannya : The second paragraf tells about the best time for kids to start learning English.

Ada di paragraf kedua, di bagian awal kalimat yang merupakan ide pokoknya.

5) Apa tujuan dari teks tersebut?

Jawabannya : to convince the readers that English is very important taught in the golden age.

Tujuannya didasarkan pada tujuan komunikatif "Analytical exposition text" dan konten yang disampaikan dalam teks tersebut.


Learn more about

Expository text





Grade       : XI

Subject    : English

Category : Intensive reading

Sub. Cat. : Expository text

Code : 11.5.4

Keywords  : Expository text, the importance of learning English in the golden age.

2. 1.What is kind of the text about? 2. What does the text tell about? 3. Mention the generic structure of the text about!4.What is the second paragraph about? 5. What is the goal of the text​


Report TextThe importance of learning EnglishGeneral classification, DescriptionThe best time to learn englishTo tell the readers how important English is

Semoga Membantu :)

1. Report text

2. Tell about around of English, like the use, Difficulity, n when  

   the right time to learn english

3. Generally in descriptive text, have two Generic Stuctures :

  a . General Classification, like a Orientation, introduce about

       the things

  b. Description, like a describe about the things, but more


4. if you wan to start learning english, you must start it earlier since you kids. Why? because kids have a learning pertod called "golden age" which allows them to learn Quickly.

5. Tell about The uses of englishand "How important of english"

Maybe it can help you to understan this text yaww ^_^


3. why is the text writtenwhat is the text about​


1. to inform readers what you can see in Pelataran Bahari

2. Description of Pelataran Bahari

4. what is the text about

the txt is about narative text to solf problem

Jawabannya text narrative

5. What is the text about​


Dalam bahasa inggris :The text is about the writter's pet rabbit. The text is also an example of an description text.

Dalam bahasa indonesia: Teks ini tentang hewan peliharaan penulis. Teks ini juga termasuk salah satu contoh dari sebuah teks dekriptif.

6. what is the text about​


the text about Barack Obama

7. what is the text about?what is cracked?​


1. a.How to make omelette

2.cracked dalam bahasa indonesia adalah retak


Ini Hanya Pendapat Saya Jadi Maaf Kalau Salah

8. What is the text about? *​


What is the text about? *

9. what is the text about?​


c. semoga membantu.......


B. new principal welcoming party


10. What is the text about? ​


nama teks nya ya kawan kok ga ada

11. what is the text about​


teks diatas menceritakan tentang?

What is the text about
Tentang apakah naskah/teks tersebut

12. what is the text about​





maaf kalau salah

The text is about the advantages of study group

2. C. A student is forced to usetheir spare time to join a study group.

Hope this help!

13. what is the text about?​


tentang apakah Teks itu?

itu artinya Maaf kalo salah

14. What is the text about?

What is the text about adalah pertanyaan yang digunakan untuk menanyakan ide pokok dari suatu teks atau suatu paragraf. Arti dari what is the text about adalah mengenai apa teks tersebut. Jawaban dari what is the text about adalah the text is about ...


Untuk menjawab soal ini, cara termudah adalah dengan melihat judul dari bacaan. Apabila pada teks tidak terdapat judul, maka dapat dilihat pada kalimat utama di paragraf pertama.

Contoh pada report text berikut:

High blood pressure is a common disease in which blood flows through blood vessels, or arteries, at higher than normal pressures. Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of your arteries as the heart pumps blood. High blood pressure, sometimes called hypertension, is when this force against the artery walls is too high.

What is the text about?

The text is about high blood pressure.

What is the purpose of the text?

The purpose of the text is to describe about high blood pressure generally.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Jawaban dari what is the purpose of the text dapat dilihat di https://brainly.co.id/tugas/11638022#


Detil Jawaban  

Kelas: All Classes  

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris  

Bab: Instructions  

Kode: -  

Kata kunci: what is the text about, arti what is the text about, jawaban what is the about

15. What is the text about


Text can be something or anything based on what you want to write or anything you want to.

16. What is the text about?

adalah tentang apa teks tersebutYang artinya Tentang apa teks tersebut?

17. what is the text about?

What is the text about digunakan untuk menanyakan ide cerita yang terdapat di dalam teks tersebut. Ide cerita dari narrative text ini terdapat pada paragraf pertama, yaitu pada bagian orientation.


Narrative text is an imaginative story to amuse the readers or the listeners.

What is the text about?

The text is about a conversation between a fox and a cat about tricks to get away from their mutual enemies, the dog.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

The kinds of narrative text, dapat dilihat di: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/6262585

Ciri-ciri narrative text, dapat dilihat di: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/2816888


Detil tambahan

Kelas: VIII

Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: When I was a child (Chapter 10)

Kode: 8.5.10

Kata kunci: narrative text

18. what is the text about?

C. is the answer.

I hope it is right!!!

19. What is the text about?

annuoncement about commemorate education day (HarDikNas)The text is annouce about National Education Day commemorate

20. What is the text about

D. karena menceritakan tentang web cam

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