What Do You Think The Title Stand By Me Means

What Do You Think The Title Stand By Me Means

what do you think the title "stand by me" means?

Daftar Isi

1. what do you think the title "stand by me" means?

berdiri bersamaku??

maybeTetaplah Bersamaku.

Maaf Kalau Salah

2. what do you think the title " Stand by Me " means?​

Stand by me means tetap bersamaku.
I think the title means is demand for someone to still stay besideApa yang kamu pikirkan dari kata "stand by me" . Menurut saya makna nya tetap bersama ku.(always stand by me)

3. what do you think the title "stand by me"means


Menurutku judul "Stand by me" bisa berarti "Tetaplah bersamaku" atau "Tetap disini denganku" dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Tapi juga bisa berarti arti dari judul "Stand by me" bisa berarti sama dengan "Stay here with me" dalam bahasa Inggris.

Maaf kalau Inggris atau jawabanku salah, ini hanya opini/pikiranku semata.

Semoga membantu :)

4. What do you think the title “Easy on Me” means?


it's a gentle attitude needed in a lover

5. Waht do you think the title" Stand by me"Medan?


what do you


semoga membantu

6. What do you think title stand by me means?

i think it means to stay on my side everyday, everywhere, and whenever.

7. Arti dari what do you think the title stand by me means


berada di sisi ku


When the night has come

Jika malam menjelang

And the land is dark

Dan gelap menyelimuti

And the moon is the only light we'll see

Dan cahaya yang kita lihat hanyalah cahaya rembulan

No, I won't be afraid

Aku takkan takut

Oh, I won't be afraid

Oh, aku takkan takut

Just as long as you stand, stand by me

Selagi kau ada di sisiku

So darling, darling

Maka sayang, sayang

Stand by me, oh stand by me

Beradalah di sisiku, oh beradalah di sisiku

Oh stand, stand by me

Oh beradalah di sisiku

Stand by me

Beradalah di sisiku

If the sky, that we look upon

Jika langit yang kita pandangi

Should tumble and fall

Runtuh dan jatuh

And the mountain should crumble to the sea

Dan gunung pun hancur dan larut ke laut

I won't cry, I won't cry

Aku takkan menangis, aku takkan menangis

No, I won't shed a tear

Takkan kuteteskan air mata

Just as long as you stand, stand by me

Selagi kau ada di sisiku

And darling, darling

Dan sayang, sayang

Stand by me, oh stand by me

Beradalah di sisiku, oh beradalah di sisiku

Oh stand now, stand by me

Oh beradalah di sisiku

Stand by me

Beradalah di sisiku

So darling, darling

Maka sayang, sayang

Stand by me, oh stand by me

Beradalah di sisiku, oh beradalah di sisiku

Oh stand now, stand by me, stand by me

Oh beradalah di sisiku

Whenever you're in trouble won't you stand by me

Tiap kali kau dalam kesulitan, maukah kau berada di sisiku

Oh stand by me, oh won't you stand now, stand

Oh berada di sisiku, oh maukah kau berada di sisiku

Stand by me

Berada di sisiku

Stand by me

Berada di sisiku

Terjemahan :

menurut anda apa arti judul berdiri disamping saya ?


8. what do you think the tittle "stand by me" by Ben King , Means ???

stand by me artinya tetaplah disisiku apapun yang terjadi

9. what do you think the title ''stand by me'' means do you consider ''stand by me'' an inspirational song?why? if you had to change the lyrics of ''stand by me'' ,which lyrics would you change?

stand by me means to always stay beside him/her

yes,because the writer write the song from his expirience

nothing, its perfect

10. what do you think the title stand by me means

means that he/she/it should not go anywhere far, and stay ground with us for the rest of the time.
means that he / she will stay with us

11. What do you think the title stand by me means​

it means someone that always on your side

# sorry if i wrong

To me it means to be loyal to someone and to be by their side when they are in problems.

12. what do you think the title " stand by me " means

Apa yang anda pikirkan judul "stand by me".
Berdirilah Untukku ( Harus tegar Tak patah semangat Demi yang Diperjuangkan)

13. what do you think the title " Stand by Me " means?

tetaplah bersamaku

semoga membantu^_^arti indonesianya berdiri dengan diriku sendiri.

14. 1. what do you think the title " stand by me" means? 2. do you consider "stand by me" an inspirational song? why? 3. if you had to change the lyrics of "stand by me" which lyrisc would you changes

he said he was thinking we can do not sure if we are not the new year so you know how are all the other hand on Tue Nov or copying distribution copying distributing the other hand and I am

15. Waht do you think the title" Stand by me"Medan?


Wah, menurutmu judul "Stand by me" artinya?

Stand By Me = Di sisiku


Itu sebenarnya

"Wow, do you think the title "Stand by me" means?" Ini Benar

Waht do you think the title" Stand by me"Medan?

Ini Salah

16. what do you think the title stand by me meant​


Maaf ya mau bantu tapi nggak ngerti maksudnya

17. what do you think the title"stand by me"​

Aku jawab ya.

menurutmu apa judul "stand by me".


Di pinggiran kota Tokyo beberapa waktu lalu, hiduplah seorang bocah berusia sekitar10 tahun.bernama Sewashi, keturunan Nobita empat generasi kemudian dari abad ke-22, dan Doraemon, robot kucing abad ke-22 yang membantu orang-orang dengan gadget rahasianya.

Standy be itu doraemon.

18. what do you think the title "stand by me" means ?

heheh.. ini kan title doraemon.. menurut saya sih titlenya atau judulnya memiliki arti tinggal bersma si nobitaI think this title is about doraemon stand by me

" di sisi ku"

19. what do you think the title "stand by me" by Ben E King means ?

menurut saya, artinya adalah seseorang yang disuruh oleh Ben E. King untuk berada di sisinya sehingga orang tersebut merasa aman dan nyaman

i think, it means a men/women that Ben E. King wants his/her to stand by himself, which will makes his/her feels comfortable/happy

20. 1. what do you think the title " stand by me" means? 2. do you consider "stand by me" an inspirational song? why? 3. if you had to change the lyrics of "stand by me" which lyrisc would you changes

Understanding the Context

1. What do you think the title "Stand by Me" means?

The song title "Stand by Me" in Indonesian means "Berdiri di sisiku" or "Tetaplah di sisiku".

I think the writer of this song, Ben E. King, dedicated this love song for his partner at that time. Ben wrote this song that's simply about wanting someone to stand by him through anything is just so beautiful.

2. Do you consider "Stand by Me" an inspirational song? Yes, I do.  Its about love, friendship and loyalty.

Why?  The lyrics are strong and consists of beautiful words. The lyric is about standing together in tough times, keeping strong and keeping relationships going. This is a song about true love. It tells about a love that able to survive, no matter what trials and traumas it encounters. The love was built equally strongly to stand the test of time.

3. If you had to change the lyrics of "Stand by Me" which lyric would you change?

When the night has come

And the landis dark

And the moon is the only light we'll see

I want to replace the word land with the word sky. I think the word sky will be more suitable because it is in harmony with the first line that tells about "When the night has come" and the third line  "And the moon is the only light we'll see." The first and third lines discuss changes in light to darkness and the moonlight is only visible light. In my opinion, the word sky is more suitable to describe the place where light to dark changes occur than the word land.


Terjemahannya adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Menurut kamu apa arti judul "Stand by Me"?

Judul lagu "Stand by Me" dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti "Berdiri di sisiku" atau "Tetaplah di sisiku".

Menurut saya, penulis lagu ini, Ben E. King, mendedikasikan lagu cinta ini untuk pasangannya saat itu. Ben menulis lagu ini tentang menginginkan seseorang untuk mendampingi dia melalui segala hal, lirik yang begitu indah.

2. Apakah kamu menganggap "Stand by Me" lagu yang menginspirasi? Menurut saya, iya.  Lagu ini tentang cinta, persahabatan dan kesetiaan.


Liriknya kuat dan terdiri dari kata-kata yang indah.  Lagu ini tentang berdiri bersama di masa-masa sulit, menjadi tetap kuat dan menjaga hubungan terus terjalin. Ini adalah lagu tentang cinta abadi. Ini bercerita tentang cinta yang mampu bertahan, tidak peduli cobaan dan trauma apa yang ditemui. Cinta dibangun sama kuatnya untuk bertahan dalam ujian waktu.

3. Jika kamu harus mengubah lirik "Stand by Me" lirik mana yang akan kamu ubah?

When the night has come

And the land is dark

And the moon is the only light we'll see

Saya ingin mengganti kata land dengan kata sky. Saya pikir kata sky akan lebih cocok karena selaras dengan baris pertama yang bercerita tentang "Kapan malam telah tiba" dan baris ketiga  "Dan rembulan adalah satu-satunya cahaya yang akan kita lihat." Baris pertama dan ketiga membahas perubahan cahaya menjadi gelap dan sinar bulan hanya satu-satunya cahaya yang tampak. Menurut pendapat saya, kata sky lebih cocok untuk menggambarkan tempat terjadinya perubahan terang ke gelap daripada kata land.

'Stand By Me' telah menjadi lagu favorit pernikahan selama beberapa dekade, tetapi lagu ini menjadi sangat terkenal akhir-akhir ini setelah menjadi salah satu lagu dalam prosesi Pernikahan Kerajaan antara Pangeran Harry dan Meghan Markle pada 19 Mei 2018. Sebelum bertukar sumpah di Windsor Castle, Karen Gibson and The Kingdom Choir menampilkan versi gospel lagu ini, lagu khusus yang dipilih oleh kedua mempelai.

Berikut ini adalah lirik lengkap Lagu "Stand by Me"

When the night has come

And the land is dark

And the moon is the only light we'll see

No I won't be afraid, No I won't be afraid

Just as long as you stand, stand by me

So darling, darling

Stand by me, oh, stand by me

Oh stand, stand by me,

Stand by me

If the sky that we look upon

Should tumble and fall

Or the mountains should crumble to the sea

I won't cry, I won't cry

No I won't shed a tear

Just as long as you stand, stand by me

Whenever you're in trouble, won't you stand by me

Oh stand by me,

Oh won't you stand now?

Stand by me

Semoga jawaban ini membantu ya.

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Detil jawaban  

Kelas: 9

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Understanding the Context (from the song/text)

Kode: 9.5.11

Kata Kunci: context, meaning, song, adjective

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